What to do when a color begins to define you...
This post was meant for yesterday... but it was just one of those days. ;) Woke up feeling incredibly blue... (hahahha, not just because I was in a blue atmosphere - note pictures). Life is GREAT and I'm so blessed (Amazing husband, beautiful area to live, time for art, etc.), so why do the blues still come from time to time? I'm not sure but I've learned there are a couple things you can do when the color "BLUE" tries to define you.
1. CHOOSE: I don't mean a quick and fake, "Oh I'm happy!!! i am fiiiiiiine..." kinda attitude. It really makes it worse. Been there, done that! I mean to CHOOSE to acknowledge that you really for a reason you don't understand are grumpy, sad, or just not feeling it that day. Acknowledge it and then let yourself.... #2
2. ACCEPT: Let yourself accept that fact and know you may not give 100% that day... and it's O-K!! Praise God for the blessings you have and for the breath of that day.... and accept what you cannot change!
3. ACT: After I just said "accept what you cannot change," I add.... Buuuuut, you must ACT! And this brings it all back to full circle. Choose to step out and do things anyway, doing the very best you can with the little you may feel you are able to bear... knowing that your little could mean a LOT for someone else. :)
I started sketching yesterday morning... and after staring at the page for 15 min.... picking at my fingers in anxiety of what to do next.... I chose to stop and begin painting, finishing the day with 6 hrs of very productive painting. Was I happy all day and jumping up for joy... no, i actually felt like i could cry at the drop of a hat. (Hormones!!! is probably the culprit :) But after the day was over and I woke up the next morning....
Goofy Painting pic.
and AMAZING Eagle/Hawk pic from Semiahmoo Resort!
.... the sun was shining brighter than I could have ever imagined.
have a blessed day!