Getting Things Done

Is it Spring already? Going for a walk the other day, my husband and I noticed buds on the trees…. already!  It does feel nice though :) The joy of living in the Pacific Northwest are the loooooong Springs.  This particular year, has not brought a lot of rain so far.  A couple storms, but no stretch of consecutive rainy days.  


I've been preparing for a show in February at Local Color in Seattle.  Taking down the last months show, I was reflecting on the many new pieces of art that I've gradually added to my portfolio in the past months.  It's amazing how when you have a goal or a dream you usually do two things: you freeze and do nothing, overwhelmed with the many many many tasks and duties that are needed to be done; or you burn out… working with all YOUR might to get it done; however, I don't believe either one is good or healthy.  I've personally done both in my past experiences and I'm sure I'll fall into both again in the future, but the key is to have the goal/dream ahead and work on a task everyday… little by little…. enjoying the process and not allowing yourself to get frustrated when you are not there yet.  Months later, you will look back and see all that has gotten done, while enjoying life and remaining healthy.  


My husband has found this book, "Getting Things Done," by David Allen, to be very helpful in managing time/duties.  I've read it before as well (a long time ago).. so I too want to read it again.  Another day I'll write more about time management, but till then…. do ONE task TODAY!


Have a wonderful week everyone!!!

priscilla jo hutsen

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